Are you looking for a change?

The world is noisy. Everyone has an opinion on how to live life. But what do you say?

  • Are you contemplating a major life change?

  • Have you recently experienced a major life change?

  • Have you been considering crossing off a bucket list item such as skydiving this year?

  • Are you feeling stuck in your current role?

The Tamarack Country House Bed & Breakfast and Retreat Center is a safe haven for you to dive into your own thoughts, listen to your inner voice, and go outdoors to live adventurously. Get lost to be found.

We help you design your next adventure, getaway, & retreat so you can have space for you to realign and re-find your authentic self.

Gain Confidence & Grow

Being 100% honest, a life changing transformation won’t happen overnight. Repeatable and long term personal growth takes time to build. But when you put yourself in environments to grow, you will begin transform before your own eyes.

On the other side of your fears is freedom.

It starts by taking one step towards the person you want to discover and find!

If you are ready for change…

Your next adventure & life season awaits!

Locally owned and operated in Birchwood, Wisconsin - we offer getaway retreats with the right amount of relaxation and adventure in the mesmerizing Northwoods and surrounding areas of Wisconsin. Our team is made up of individuals who live, work, play, and call this area our home. Our passion is always to provide intimate and unforgettable experiences to others in the Wisconsin countryside.

We operate year-round and are your one-stop shop for guided outdoor activities, a space to unplug from the rest of the world, and a location with expertly crafted personal growth and development retreats. Whether you’re looking for a weekend solo getaway trip, needing a space to overcome major life changes, or dive into facing your fears, let us help make your change of scenery one you will never forget!

As a lifelong adventure seeker I know how important it is to make yourself available to new experiences. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

My years of adventuring around the world will help ensure your stay in the Northwoods is not only personally fulfilling, but also ensuring you are growing and developing in ways you can not even imagine before taking the leap to invest in taking time to find your authentic self!

And I understand that sometimes you need to talk things out with a REAL human - so if you have questions, let’s hop on a call and make sure a getaway at the Tamarack Country House is the right fit for you!