How The Business Journey Began

First of all, thank you so much for taking time to learn more about me and my space on the internet. I do not take it for granted.

Hi, I'm Alli, a Personal Growth Coach, Adventure Crafter, Confidence Builder, Leader Developer, Science Educator, and Speaker on overcoming fears, risk taking, and confidence building. I have decades worth of thrill seeking, adventuring, and traveling the globe. I also have degrees in Health Science, Biology, Chemistry, and a Masters in Science Teaching and Instruction with an emphasis on how people learn through cognitive science based research and practices. This all combined helps me create experiences of all kinds for you to learn and grow in, no matter the setting.

My passion is to integrate all I have learned over the years to help you design your next adventure, getaway, retreat, so you can create space for you to grow and develop.

No matter where you are on your life journey, I'm here to offer support, strategically design, and create personalized experiences to transform your life one step at a time!

And when I say, no matter where you are, I mean it.

Having been a public educator for over a decade, I have helped ALL different types of learners and individuals reach their goals.

Teaching is so much more than standing at the front of room lecturing on and on while students may or may not be asleep at their desks. I have learned to cultivate a classroom and lifestyle where it is okay to take risks, fail, fix your ponytail, and go again.

My teaching background also helps me break down complicated material into manageable and learnable bits of information. I utilize that background in whoever I am helping. I certainly help individuals with personal development, but in that work, I help kick over the mental barriers you have made physical. We’re knocking over all your fears to let in new spaces to create and grow.

I am really good at being a hype-girl and getting people to get started on things they have worked up in their heads as too hard.

I know a thing or two (or three) about achieving long term goals, staying obnoxiously consistent, designing meaningful experiences for everyone in the room, doing things that scare me but committing to them anyway, and helping you achieve your goals as well.

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Why start a coaching, adventure guiding, and speaking business?

Growing up I was an active kid who was always up for trying new things. No matter if it was youth soccer or volleyball, climbing trees to rock climbing, swimming or diving, canoeing or kayaking, rollerblading, water skiing, down hill skiing, hiking, biking, you name it - my mom and dad encouraged me do it.

Speaking of my parents, they were both teachers who instilled in me a love for learning and being inspired about the world around me. They helped cultivate a curious mindset and guided me to answer all of my questions. And trust me, I had a lot!

From that young age to now, I am still an active person, trying all the new activities and leading as much of a balanced lifestyle as I can muster. I continually seek to learn new things every day and am what you call a curious bumblebee about the world - that could be me learning how other people learn and change, to learning how to paddle board, or how to cook an entire vegan meal, or how to best increase upper body strength and mobility, or how to create and design a website such as this one - I am naturally a doer and learner and well ….a teacher and learner in ALL things I do.

I have run full marathons (that is a picture of a half marathon I did!) and coached friends to run their first marathon. I have trained to do pullups and am have trained others to get their first one. I have tested my own abilities to conquer fears and commit to a life long process of continually growing and developing - hello swimming with sharks, canyoning, and skydiving! I’m taking all I have learned over the years to help you conquer your own fears and do things you once thought impossible!

In a nutshell - I have found that I am really good at helping others get started on finding and building the confident and most successful versions of themselves they did not believe they were capable of anymore or ever. I excel at strategizing and leading people to grow more than they ever imagined.

I just decided to make it official.


Why do I tell you all of this?

I absolutely love teaching chemistry and am also passionate about business and all the creative juices that come with being an entrepreneur. My favorite parts of being an educator have always been creating and designing the experiences for students and seeing those plans come to life! Students, administrators, parents, curriculum coordinators, and district leaders have always raved about my ability to plan all the details, include the big picture, and get my students excited to learn day in day out. While students who were notoriously challenging in other classrooms or struggled - thrived in my classroom. And I taught high school chemistry, which typically gets a big reaction from everyone I meet (see what I did there), and so getting to see students come to love science via my teaching practice, frameworks, and design is the epitome of my teaching experience. 

I am exceptional at keeping the learner at the heart of everything I do and continually teach from a place of what it is like to be a beginner. I have always had visions beyond teaching in a traditional capacity and have found through my own adult learning journey just how much of a need there is for continued personal growth coaching and development outside of a school setting! 

A good friend will tell you if what you are doing is not working. A good friend will push and challenge you just the right amount to get you out of your head and into the work. A good friend will give you new insights and ideas into where you are stuck and cannot see another way out. 

I have helped countless friends over the years solve their problems, design new successful ventures, and redesign their entire lives! By formalizing my business as My Friend Alli, I hope to be that really great friend who teaches you things about yourself that have been buried inside of you just waiting to come out and be discovered within your next adventure!

I am beyond excited you have entrusted me with your vision and ideas and I very much am looking forward to serving you!

I mean, after reading all of that, you know me well enough to refer to me permanently as your friend Alli. And that, my friends is why the business is named My Friend Alli.

Ready to let someone come in and help you grow at the highest levels? Let's just begin with a simple conversation to see if I'm a good fit to help you on your journey! Book a FREE chat! From there, the magic can really begin! Link below!

YOUR friend, Alli